I am the state!
Do you believe that a strong centralized power without any challenges is a prerequisite for a prosperous nation — and that it's more effective than indecisive and idealist democracies? You definitely have what it takes to be a Dictator! Your credo is to limit and to have control over opposing force so that you can go on with your reforms.
In the Rulers of Nations game, there are many ways to forge your dictatorship:
Legislate on fundamental liberties such as:
- Legislation on unions and the right to strike
- Control over the media
- Press and artistic censorship
- Limits to the freedom of association
- Limits to the independence of the judicial system
- Promulgation of the death penalty
- The freedom of religion — or imposing a specific religion —
- Controlling entry into and exit from the territory, deportation
- Determining the extent of identity controls
- Establishing a policy for limiting births
Authoritatively or secretly intervening in the best interest of the nation, by:
- Declaring martial law
- Declaring a state of emergency
- Proceeding with the arrest of a famous figure, banning an organization
- Investigating potential challengers
- Have a political figure assassinated by your special forces
- Distort the election results
Strengthen your sources of power, notably:
- Your secret police
- Your private security services
- Your secret service, with priority given to the domestic section
- Your army
- Your penitentiary institutions
Change the Constitution and determine:
- The role and the power of Parliament and of the political parties
- The method for nominating the head of state and the duration of the mandate
- The election rules
Cultivate a cult of your personality:
- Have a monument built in your glory
- Impose your effigy in public places and in school textbooks
- Prohibit media criticism against you